2018 Year in review

Every year, I post a video from the past year consisting of a second of video taken every day. Some days I punt to a still picture and some days I forget to document anything at all… But I love having this video to look back on what I did every year, especially for someone like me who doesn’t do a whole lot of looking back.

I do these videos using an app called One Second Everyday, which makes this super easy. Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes!

This year comes in two parts because I bought a new phone last fall, You can’t combine videos, apparently, especially when you are making the jump from Apple to Android.

The first part starts with moving out of my house, selling off everything I own, and moving in with my mom. Also in here is a fair amount of house and pet sitting, plenty of friends and family (including one wedding), a family vacation to the Outer Banks, a wee little car wreck, a twisted ankle, a bout with match.com and mono (both disappointing), and lots of piles of paperwork.


I wrap up the year trying out my new Pixel 3, doing more housesitting, eating food (Look! I sometimes cook!), selling even more things, plus a train and road trips.


I am of two minds when I watch these videos. On the one hand, it feels like I’m really moving along, moving out of my house, earning money, saving money, and blogging. And I’m even getting in a small amount of travel and seeing some cool things that I get to write about here.

On the other hand, I had this idea when I started these videos, that I would see myself traveling full-time much faster than I have. I had a “This year mundane office work, next year TRAVEL!” expectation, and I find that I’m still in that mindset, even three years later. I’m still doing the mundane office work and my “big” travel-with-a-capital-T is still about a year away.

BUT, dreams take time and I’m in this for the long haul. I hope to range far and wide from this point and it’s helpful to record these days when I don’t feel like I’m making any particular progress.


Take a look at the last two years of videos I made with One Second Everyday.



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    Sara Beth Written by:

    We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. – Jawaharlal Nehru

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