Haines Shoe House

Driving around Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I stumbled upon a fun sight – the Haines Shoe House!

Up until recently, you could tour the house for only $5 and/or buy some ice cream underneath the shoe. And while you can’t visit the shoe house any more, soon you will be able to stay here!

Haines Shoe House
The Haines Shoe House

History of the Haines Shoe House

The Haines Shoe House is located in York, PA, about 30 minutes west of Lancaster. The house was built in 1948 by Mahlon Haines to promote his line of shoe stores. (You can see the house-sized work boot from highway 30 that runs right behind.) He also opened up the house to senior couples and honeymooners, even providing them with a chauffeur and cook/housekeeper that lived upstairs! I think it was all via promotional contests and such.

It went on like that until Haines’ death in the ’60s, after which the shoe house changed hands several times until its most recent acquisition this year. At some point along the way, an ice cream parlor was created out of the space underneath the shoe, what originally was an under-heel carport.

Touring the Haines Shoe House

And while Haines Shoe House may be a big shoe, it’s not a big operation. There’s a driveway around the house, parking is free and wherever you can find it. To buy your tickets, enter the ice cream shop underneath and don’t forget to check out the historic photos on the walls!

After purchasing your ticket, exit the shop and enter the front door of the house proper. You’ll be faced with a portrait of Mr. Haines and a bit of history. Don’t forget to turn around and look at the amazing stained glass door of “Haines the Shoe Wizard!” In fact, every window in the house has a stained glass representation of the same boot the house was modeled after.

As you move through the house, photos and signs tell you all about the house’s history. In the toe is a couple’s suite, a round living room with a bedroom and small bath attached. Up some stairs into the heel is an exquisitely cute ’50s kitchen with a round booth table in the back.

Continuing through all five floors in a zig-zag up narrow sets of stairs, you find another bathroom (with the old shoe-shaped mailbox displayed inside), and another bedroom at the top of the shoe. This would have been for the couple that served as the house’s serving staff. A sink, closet, and some cupboards are built into the walls. Behind the house, don’t miss the shoe-shaped doghouse!

Renting the Haines Shoe House

It turns out I was lucky in stumbling onto the Haines Shoe House because it closed for tours in late July 2022. New owners are turning it back into a rental home, and it’s supposed to be able to sleep up to six and include the kitchen and a “Rec Room in the instep.” (Possibly where the ice cream shop used to be?) I, for one, hope they don’t alter the kitchen too much – it’s adorable.

The Haines Shoe House doesn’t look like it’s ready for renters just yet, but look for it soon on Airbnb and their website.

The Rest of Lancaster County

I found the Haines Shoe House while making a drive around Lancaster County in general. I had plotted out several covered bridges to see and that made a nice tour of the farms and beautiful countryside in general. No one grows flowers as well as the Amish! Of course, there is a whole host of tourist activities in the area if you want to take advantage.

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    Sara Beth Written by:

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