I have MONO

Friends, let me take a moment to whine

I’ve been chugging along on this blog for the past few months and really enjoying myself. My goal was to publish every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, which leaves me little time for anything else other than my day job and blogging at night and on Saturdays, with some time to rest on Sundays.

But I came to a natural stopping point with my last series on Chattanooga and decided to take a break in order to increase my skills in actually making *money* from this blog, at least someday. I have an online course I want to go through, plus a few other tasks that I can’t seem to get done while also blogging, like switching computers. 

I thought I would take a “short” break, like 3-4 weeks, to accomplish all of this and maybe also blog on the weekends to keep up momentum. That didn’t happen. All of a sudden, without a deadline, I found a hundred other things to do. Like actually going out with friends and reading books I enjoy.

To say I’m disappointed in myself is an understatement. I have a plan, but I have a hard time keeping it in view when the goal is so far off.

And then I got Mono

Somewhere in all my free time, I decided that I have time to date. And somewhere in dating, I caught Mono. I’ve been extremely sick for the past two and a half weeks, and I’m just coming out of the “actively sick” part of it. But Mono has this fatigue aspect to it that can last for months! My only experience with Mono is people in college that had to drop out of whole semesters because they couldn’t keep up with their schoolwork.

I’m not sure where this leaves me with blogging

I have to get back to my paying job, which I assume will take most (or more) of my day’s energy. And to get over Mono, I’ve got to rest. I’m not sure if that means I can take a nap after work and then keep going with the rest of my goals or if I’ll be completely done for the day, full stop. I’m more than a little worried about this.

For now, I’m going to assume that I will keep going with my plan and my goals, just at a slower pace until I fully recover. I still have all those things I want to do before returning to blogging in earnest (and I have so many ideas!) so I may not blog very much for a while. I do plan to put up a post here and there, but not nearly as much as I would like.

It is a roadblock, but I won’t feel this bad forever (my mantra for the past few weeks.) I still plan to accomplish my goals and I hope to create a useful and fun blog so that I can share all of the full-time travel I plan to do in the future.

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    Sara Beth Written by:

    We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. – Jawaharlal Nehru


    1. Kay Babb
      October 14, 2018

      Sara Beth, I hope that you’re feeling better soon and that you regain your energy level too. I had severe anemia a few years ago and it was so draining! Just take the time to recover. We’ll be praying for you.

    2. Betsy Wade
      October 14, 2018

      Worried, hoping you get well soon! #monosucks

    You made it to the end! (Hint: I love comments)